One Rare Vintage 1982 AFX ” Fall Guy Bounty Hunter “. Electric Racing Slot Car Set. This racing slot car set is in pretty good condition for the year but. The steel tracks will need cleaning in order to run properly. The GMC truck is not running. The motor is running slow and make really strange. Like a Dodge trying to start on a cold winter day! The roll bar is missing and one of the side pipe is broken. The broken part is. Included and could probably be repaired. The front tires are loose. The dodge charger is in pretty good condition. It’s running but will need a little. The set is mostly complete. The only parts missing are the barrels and the gate. The box shows minor wear on the corners… There is one little broken tab on a yellow guardrail… See last pic :o. What you see is what you get, thanks for looking! I always answer the questions as quick as possible! Ask for price if not listed. Bienvenue à mes cousins Francais aussi! O Toujours un plaisir de faire affaire avec vous :0.